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The Thirteen Rs

(Hover over bold text for links)

REDUCE... Waste & What You Buy


  • It's very likely that items you already have around can act as your sustainable swaps, so always study what you have first rather than swapping in something new!







  • Containers & jars for bulk shopping or takeout


  • Gift bags, tissue paper & accessories



  • TerraCycle has partner-ships with companies that will take back their empty/used containers or products (Swiffer, Brita, etc.)



  • Consult your local waste guide before tossing your trash (Waste Wizard in Toronto)



  • For items that can't be recycled through the city, check out my Recycle Right page



  • Single-use items (such as opting out of takeout cutlery or refusing the goodie bag from your dentist)


  • Fast fashion in favour of "slow fashion" (secondhand, ethically, and/or sustainably made)



  • Your furniture and clothing using paints, stains, or fabric dyes




  • Formal clothing (dresses & tuxedos)


  • Recreational equipment (from places like MEC)




RETHINK... How You Eat


  • Opt for plant-based, organic, and/or local to protect the planet! This website shows you what is locally available in Ontario at different times of the year


  • Make what you can from scratch to avoid packaging and unhealthy ingredients


  • Grow your own food in a garden (check out Homestead TO if you need help getting started) or by regrowing veggies from scraps and donate excess to Not Far From the Tree


  • If you're a fan of grocery, food box or meal delivery services check out the ones listed on my Awesome Alternatives page


  • Check out my blog for taste tested plant-based, low-waste recipes




  • When you come across a social/environmental cause you're passionate about take action by donating to organzations supporting those causes, signing online petitions, or emailing your local politicians 


  • Contact corporations/ businesses that need to do better when it comes to their social/environmental policies & impacts



  • New businesses are always appearing in the sustainability space so researching your options for all your needs is key and my Awesome Alternatives page is a great spot to start!


  • Watch out for "greenwashing" attempts by companies/brands!


  • Use the search engine Ecosia, which plants trees as you do your research


  • Join sustainability, vegan, zero-waste, trade, freebie, neighbourhood, etc. Facebook groups to learn more about whatever you're interested in.




  • Visit your local electronics, bike, shoe/accessory repair shop


  • Give sewing a try!



  • How you use what nature already gives us... Invest in items like solar panels, rain barrels, and composting bins (like a countertop Lomi)

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